Fifth Sunday of Lent 2024

Lent 5 2024

Putting it in terms of a drama, we are quickly approaching the climax of the liturgical year – and today’s readings foreshadow the events to come. In fact, these readings are about the drama: the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the salvation He wins for you, me, and all the world.

In the first reading, God reveals that He will provide a way for our broken relationship with Him to be restored. This passage from Jeremiah beautifully portrays God’s love for us, and it invites us to ask how this new covenant will be made. In response, the second reading and the Gospel describe Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection.

Even with these explanations, our understanding of these mysterious and wondrous events simply cannot be complete during our earthly pilgrimage. We’re not unlike the crowd mentioned in the Gospel passage, who don’t quite grasp what’s taking place. But like a good drama, the mystery can draw us in. What’s more, this story is without end. As long as we enter into it, there is always more of God’s merciful love to encounter. Then at the close of our earthly journey, a new act begins: eternal life in heaven, face to face with the Lord.

During these remaining days of Lent, let us prayerfully enter the mystery, pondering the Lord’s great love for us, as we await the blessed hope.

Mass Readings

This reflection is based on the Mass readings for Year B. If you attended a liturgy which included the Scrutinies, you will have heard the readings for Year A.

Mass Readings (Scrutinies)


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